Honesty, respect, transparency and responsibility
At our core, we carry the vision of being perceived as a company that is responsible and committed to its employees and clients. Ethics and respect are the guiding principles of our existence, which is why we are proud to share our Compliance Program and other documents that guide our daily actions.
Ethics and integrity
Smartspace by Digivox's Compliance System aims to maintain compliance with the culture and the law, standards and rules in place, which guarantee integrity and security. We have implemented processes and controls that aim to avoid the possibility of fraud and deviations, such as bribery or corruption. Ethics and respect are the guiding principles of our existence!
Our professional performance not only follows the guidelines of the company's mission, vision and values, but also reaffirms how Smartspace by Digivox presents itself in the social environment and in the market.View Code
We believe that companies with greater diversity foster greater collective intelligence and better adaptation to the changes demanded by the market, as well as commitment and solid relationships.View Policy
We are committed to ensure integrity, transparency, safety and compliance in the relations of the company and its employees with third parties, in order to avoid operational and image risks and add value to the company.View Policy
Any witnessed situation that violates Smartspace by Digivox's Code of Ethics and Conduct or existing laws must be reported in the relevant communication channel.Access Channel
O relacionamento comercial com órgãos públicos respeitam a ética, transparência, as leis vigentes e Commercial relations with public offices respect ethics, transparency, existing laws and company policies. All contracts can also be consulted in full on the Transparency Portal.Contracts
Smartspace by Digivox contributes to Brazil's sustainable development through responsible management, good environmental, social and governance practices in all the processes, products and services it provides.
Sponsorships and Donations
Smartspace by Digivox is involved in the community through social, artistic and sporting incentives, through donations and sponsorships offered independently and/or in partnership with other institutions. In the last two years, Smartspace by Digivox has not allocated any donations, only sponsorships. New actions will be updated in the table below:
Project | Delivery | Date | Amount |
Incentives for Cycling | Manufacture Pedal Seguro jerseys | 19/11/2021 | R$ 3.000 |
Incentives for Cycling | Manufacture Pedal Seguro jerseys | 19/10/2022 | R$ 3.000 |
Integrity Report
Maintaining the commitment to institutional measures to prevent, detect, punish and remedy corruption, fraud, irregularities and ethical and conduct deviations. The main actions carried out in the program in 2021 and 2022 have been compiled in the Compliance and Integrity Report.
annual integrity reportInformation Security
The Information Security Program is the basis of all the processes and activities of Smartspace by Digivox companies and involves everyone who works in the ecosystem, from senior management to employees, partners, clients and outsourced workers. We are committed to maintaining information security and have established the necessary means to provide security in the workplace. The more secure the information we obtain, maintain and use, the less harm we suffer from fraud. We emphasize that Smartspace by Digivox has invested efforts and resources in creating and adopting more secure strategies and techniques for conducting business. We seek to ensure policies and procedures that guarantee that customer, employee and partner information is secure and available through the modernization of processes, artificial intelligence and the use of state-of-the-art security tools.
Learn about the policy
The commitment to implement good practices and standards to achieve information security and privacy is referenced by the ISO 27001 certification.
Data Privacy
Smartspace by Digivox collects personal data entered or forwarded actively and voluntarily by the customer and/or company when contacting or registering on Smartspace by Digivox websites, with express consent. Therefore, we are committed to observing the principles set out in Art. 18 of the LGPD and ensuring that, as the data subject, you have the right to obtain, at any time, and upon request:
1. Confirmation of the existence of data processing
Have information on how your Personal Data is processed.
2. Access to data
Request a copy of all the information we hold about you.
3. Data correction
Request the correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data.
4. Restrictions on data use
Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of data that is unnecessary, excessive or processed in violation of the law.
5. Data portability
Request portability to another provider or similar services.
6. Data deletion
Request deletion or blocking of your Personal Data.
To exercise your rights under the LGPD, you can make a request through the Data Subject Portal
Privacy Policy
Smartspace by Digivox is committed to preserving and protecting all personal data that is part of its ecosystem. In addition to technical efforts, it also implements institutional measures to keep the privacy program used in its activities constantly up-to-date.
Access a policy
All Smartspace by Digivox data security and protection procedures are referenced by the ISO 27701 certification. The standard defines the requirements and provides guidelines for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an Information Privacy Management System and also provides guidelines for controllers and operators of personal data who have major responsibilities in processing activities.
Senior management commitment
""Smartspace by Digivox is committed to preserving and protecting all the personal data that forms part of its ecosystem. In addition to technical efforts, it also adopts institutional measures to keep its privacy program, applied to its activities, updated constantly.""
""Temos o compromisso de seguir os direcionamentos do Código de Ética e Conduta e, ainda, internalizar em nossas atitudes o posicionamento de não sermos omissos ao denunciar comportamentos que infrinjam a legislação e os nossos princípios éticos.""
Ary Vilhena Jr.CEO
""Sempre prezamos o princípio da ética e da honestidade, mesmo que isso represente o caminho mais difícil e mais longo, pois teremos a certeza de que estamos fazendo o correto. Ser ético e honesto é algo que já faz parte do nosso DNA e é um valor inegociável. Por isso, temos o compromisso de desenvolver o nosso time para que todos estejam alinhados com as práticas de combate à corrupção.""
Fernanda AlbuquerqueDiretora Administrativa e Financeira
""Não existe avanço da tecnologia sustentável sem o respeito à ética. O nosso Código de Ética e Conduta é constantemente revisitado, para que seja sempre o nosso norteador quando planejamos, desenvolvemos e entregamos uma nova solução para o mercado.""
Nivaldo JrCTO
""Oferecemos ao mercado serviços para clientes que seguem o mesmo direcionamento ético que a Smartspace. Da mesma forma, buscamos parceiros que também estejam alinhados com o nosso propósito. Pois, em nossa essência, carregamos a visão de sermos percebidos como uma empresa responsável e compromissada com os colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores e parceiros, e com o combate à corrupção.""
Aluizio MeloDiretor Comercial